MOCA Health
Australia-Wide Cannabis Medicine Consultations Made Easy

MOCA Health is a pioneering healthcare provider that offers phone-based medical consultations to patients across Australia who are seeking medical cannabis treatment. With a team of dedicated medical practitioners located in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth, MOCA Health serves patients from all corners of the country through our innovative telehealth clinic. 

Australia-Wide Coverage and Telehealth Services

Regardless of your location in Australia, MOCA Health ensures that you can access our range of Medicinal Organic Cannabis Australia (MOCA) medications. Our network of medical practitioners spread across major cities enables patients nationwide to benefit from our expertise and guidance in medical cannabis treatment. Through the convenience of telehealth consultations, patients can connect with MOCA Health practitioners from the comfort and privacy of their own homes.

Seamless Online Platform

MOCA Health has developed an intuitive online platform that simplifies the process of accessing medical cannabis. Patients can easily navigate the platform and schedule appointments with MOCA Health's practitioners. The user-friendly interface ensures a seamless experience, allowing patients to securely discuss their medical conditions, receive personalised advice, and obtain prescriptions for cannabis-based medications. This digital solution eliminates the need for in-person visits and facilitates efficient communication between patients and healthcare professionals.

Book your 15 minute telehealth consultation today
to experience the MOCA Health difference.

Consultations $79.00

Bringing Plant-Based Medicine to Your Doorstep

Regardless of whether you reside in Cunnamulla or Alice Springs, MOCA Health is committed to bringing the benefits of plant-based medicine to your doorstep. By leveraging our telehealth capabilities, MOCA Health eliminates geographical barriers and ensures that patients in even the most remote areas of Australia can access their comprehensive range of organic cannabis medications. This inclusive approach allows individuals from diverse locations to experience the therapeutic potential of medical cannabis.

MOCA Health stands at the forefront of Australia's medical cannabis landscape, offering phone-based medical consultations and access to organic cannabis medications. With their nationwide coverage and telehealth clinic, they bridge the gap between patients seeking medical cannabis treatment and qualified healthcare professionals. 

Through our user-friendly online platform, MOCA Health makes the process of obtaining medical cannabis easy, convenient, and accessible to all Australians. Whether you are located in a major city or a remote town, MOCA Health's commitment to bringing plant-based medicine to your door ensures that you can receive the care and support you need.

The Healing Plant is now experiencing its Renaissance​. ​Modern medicine is rapidly catching up with ​the role cannabis plays in health, wellness and healing. T​he great news is that healthcare will be changed forever as a result​.

We are now in the era of patient centric management of health and healing.  With cannabis, wellness is now an individual journey where each patient develops the necessary awareness of increased health. ​It is the pathway to homeostasis; the balanced state of perfect health within your body and mind.

How is this accomplished you may ask? In 1988, a staggering discovery ​revealed that humans and animals have ​an Endocannabinoid System (ECS)​. The ECS is​ the largest receptor system and the master regulator of homeostasis in the human body. 

International award winning Medicinal ​Organic ​Cannabis Australia ​(MOCA) ​presents a new paradigm in natural plant based healthcare​ with MOCA Health​.

Central to our ​objectives ​is ​empowering you, the patient. 

Together with our trained cannabis Practitioners, we create a plan for you ​using nature's healing plant.

Cannabis has been a key component of health and wellness in many cultures around the world for millennia​.

However is very new to the medical industry​ as a form of treatment​ in the modern context. 

It is for this reason many medical practitioners are not experienced or trained to know the importance of cannabis in healthcare. ​​​

Already have a medical cannabis prescription? 

Contact us to see how we can help you with your medications - please send a copy of your prescription to and we will come back to you with our availability and pricing.


Compounds called cannabinoids ​found in the cannabis plant ​interact with ​these receptors to treat a vast number of illnesses. ​ ​The ECS maintains the body’s ​ability to find balance (homeostasis​)​ acting as a chemical bridge between body and mind. It regulates blood sugar, immune function, muscle and fat tissues, hormones, pain centres, reward centres, and metabolic functions.

​Your journey into medical cannabis treatments with MOCA will follow a simple pathway. ​

Given that Cannabis is new to both practitioners and to patients at MOCA our philosophy is 'go slow and go low'. Our approach is oriented around commencing to positively affect your ECS.

​Our practitioners will work with you as we prepare your ECS for increased cannabinoid treatment. 

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.

- Hippocrates -

MOCA have removed all the roadblocks for patients seeking whole plant cannabis medication

MOCA Health Cannabis Clinic.

The whole process is easy and you can attend the consultation from your telephone. 

No waiting  in practitioner waiting rooms or travelling to meet with a medical doctor. 

If you have found that traditional medication pathways have not helped your chronic health condition, then maybe it's time to explore an alternative approach to healthcare management. Medicinal plant based products are a new form of medication in Australia, which means not all doctors are familiar with prescribing.

Our experienced and certified practitioners will review your health condition to determine if plant based therapies are a suitable treatment option for you. If you meet the criteria and our practitioners determine you are eligible, they will create a treatment plan trialling the right product and dosage that enables you to achieve your health goals.

The endocannabinoid system (ECS)

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a crucial role in maintaining health and overall homeostasis in the body. It's a complex cell-signalling system composed of three main components: endocannabinoids, receptors, and enzymes. Here are some key reasons why the ECS is important for health:

Homeostasis: The ECS helps regulate and maintain balance, or homeostasis, in various physiological processes. It does this by continuously adjusting and fine-tuning various systems in response to external and internal changes. This includes processes like body temperature, blood pressure, immune responses, and metabolism.

Stress Response: The ECS is involved in regulating the body's response to stress. It helps manage the release of stress hormones, moderating the physical and emotional effects of stress. This makes it important for managing stress-related conditions, including anxiety and depression.

Immune Function: The ECS is involved in modulating immune responses, helping to ensure that the immune system functions appropriately. This means it plays a role in managing autoimmune disorders and inflammation.

Neuroprotection: Endocannabinoids, like anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), function as neuroprotective agents, helping to protect nerve cells and support overall brain health. This is vital for conditions like Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis.

Pain Regulation: The ECS plays a significant role in regulating pain perception. When the body experiences pain, endocannabinoids are released to help manage and alleviate it. This mechanism is the basis for the use of medical cannabis for pain management.

Appetite and Digestion: The ECS influences appetite and digestive processes, helping to regulate hunger and the breakdown of food. This can be important for individuals with conditions like anorexia or digestive disorders.

Reproductive Health: The ECS has been shown to play a role in reproductive health, including processes like embryo implantation and pregnancy. It can also influence fertility.

Bone Health: The ECS has been linked to bone health and the regulation of bone density. This makes it a potential target for treating conditions such as osteoporosis.

Cancer: Some research suggests that the ECS may influence cancer cell proliferation and apoptosis (cell death). Although more research is needed, this has led to investigations into the use of cannabinoids for cancer treatment and symptom management.

Psychological Health: The ECS can impact mood, emotional responses, and mental health. Dysregulation of the ECS has been associated with mood disorders, including depression and anxiety.

Understanding the importance of the endocannabinoid system in health has led to the exploration of cannabinoid-based therapies for various medical conditions. These therapies aim to support or enhance the ECS's natural functions, potentially providing new treatment options and improving overall well-being. However, it's important to note that research into the ECS and cannabinoid therapies is ongoing, and not all potential applications are well-established or widely accepted in the medical community.

Here is a very informative short video that you may find very interesting

Homeostasis and medical cannabis

Homeostasis is a fundamental biological concept that refers to the body's ability to maintain a stable internal environment, despite external changes. It involves the regulation of various physiological variables, such as temperature, pH, blood sugar levels, and more, within a narrow range to support optimal functioning. Homeostasis is crucial for overall health and well-being.

The human body has various mechanisms in place to achieve and maintain homeostasis. These mechanisms involve complex interactions between organs, tissues, and systems. When homeostasis is disrupted, it can lead to health issues and diseases.

Medical cannabis, which includes both the use of cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD) and other compounds found in the cannabis plant, interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the body to help regulate and restore homeostasis. Here's how it works:

Endocannabinoid System (ECS): The ECS is a complex cell-signalling system found in the bodies of humans and other mammals. It plays a key role in regulating a wide range of physiological processes and maintaining homeostasis. The ECS consists of three main components: endocannabinoids (cannabinoids produced naturally within the body), receptors (CB1 and CB2 receptors), and enzymes responsible for synthesising and degrading endocannabinoids.

Cannabinoids from Medical Cannabis: The cannabinoids found in medical cannabis, such as THC and CBD, are similar in structure to the body's own endocannabinoids. When these cannabinoids are introduced into the body, they can interact with the ECS by binding to cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) located throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Balancing Act: Medical cannabis can help balance the ECS. For example, THC has an affinity for CB1 receptors, which are primarily found in the brain and central nervous system. When THC binds to CB1 receptors, it can have various effects on mood, pain perception, and other functions. CBD, on the other hand, has a more complex interaction with the ECS and can indirectly influence the receptors, potentially modulating various physiological processes.

Restoring Homeostasis: By interacting with the ECS, medical cannabis can help restore homeostasis in various ways. For instance, it can influence pain perception, reduce inflammation, modulate the immune system, and impact mood and anxiety. The exact effects depend on the specific cannabinoids, their ratios, and the individual's unique physiology.

Health Benefits: Medical cannabis is used to manage a wide range of health conditions, including chronic pain, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, nausea and vomiting, anxiety, and more. It's also being researched for its potential in treating conditions like cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.

Side Effects and Risks: It's important to note that while medical cannabis can be beneficial, it may also have side effects, and its effects can vary from person to person. Common side effects include dry mouth, impaired motor coordination, and alterations in mood and cognition. It may also have interactions with other medications.

It's important for individuals considering medical cannabis to consult with a healthcare professional who is knowledgeable about its use. A healthcare provider can help determine the most appropriate treatment plan and dosage to achieve the desired therapeutic effects while minimising potential risks.

In summary, medical cannabis interacts with the endocannabinoid system to help restore homeostasis and has the potential to provide relief for a variety of health conditions. However, its use should be approached with care and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Why Organic Cannabis?

Organic cannabis is considered important for health for several reasons:

Purity and Safety: Organic cultivation practices, which include avoiding synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilisers, result in cannabis that is free from harmful chemical residues. This is especially important for individuals who may have compromised immune systems or sensitivities to chemical residues.

No Harmful Additives: Organic cannabis is grown without the use of artificial additives or synthetic growth enhancers. This means that consumers can have more confidence in the purity of the product.

Healthier Soil and Ecosystems: Organic farming practices prioritise soil health and sustainability. By avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals, organic cultivation methods promote healthier soil, protect ecosystems, and reduce the environmental impact of cannabis farming.

Enhanced Terpene Profiles: Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in cannabis that contribute to its flavour and aroma. Organic cultivation methods can result in a richer and more diverse terpene profile, potentially enhancing the medicinal and therapeutic effects of the plant.

Consistency and Quality: Organic cannabis cultivation typically involves more rigorous quality control and attention to detail. This can result in more consistent and higher-quality products.

Ethical Considerations: Some consumers choose organic cannabis as a matter of ethics, as they may be concerned about the environmental and social impact of conventional cannabis cultivation.

Medicinal and Therapeutic Benefits: Many individuals who use cannabis for medicinal or therapeutic purposes prefer organic strains because they believe that they offer a purer and more natural form of the plant. This can be particularly important for patients seeking symptom relief from specific cannabis strains.

It's worth noting that while organic cannabis is preferred by many, not all non-organic cannabis is necessarily harmful. Regulatory standards and certification processes can vary, so it's essential for consumers to do their research and, if possible, obtain cannabis from reputable sources that adhere to organic practices. Ultimately, the choice between organic and non-organic cannabis comes down to individual preferences and values related to health, safety, and the environment.

Read more here


Trichomes (singular: trichome) are tiny, hair-like outgrowths that can be found on the surface of various plants, including the cannabis plant. These hair-like structures serve a variety of functions and are essential in many ways. Here's why trichomes are important:

Protection: Trichomes can act as a physical barrier, deterring herbivores and pests. They often contain chemical compounds that make the plant unpalatable or toxic to potential threats.

Temperature Regulation: Trichomes can help regulate the temperature of the plant by reflecting sunlight, reducing heat absorption, and increasing air circulation.

Water Regulation: Some trichomes can reduce water loss by limiting transpiration (the process of water evaporating from the plant). This is especially important for plants in arid environments.

UV Protection: Trichomes can protect plants from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation by reflecting or absorbing UV rays, preventing damage to the plant's tissues.

Stress Response: In response to various environmental stressors such as insect attacks, trichomes can produce compounds that are toxic or deterrent to herbivores, serving as a defence mechanism.

Secretory Functions: Glandular trichomes, found in many plants, including cannabis, have secretory cells that produce and store a variety of chemical compounds. In cannabis, these compounds include cannabinoids (like THC and CBD) and terpenes, which are responsible for the plant's therapeutic effects and aroma.

Thermoregulation: In some plants, trichomes play a role in thermoregulation by helping to maintain a suitable temperature for the plant's metabolic processes.

Aromatics and Flavour: In cannabis, trichomes are vital for producing the aromatic terpenes and cannabinoids that contribute to the distinctive flavour and aroma of different strains. These compounds also influence the medicinal properties of the plant.

Medicinal and Recreational Use: The trichomes on the flowers of the female cannabis plant are rich in cannabinoids like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol). These cannabinoids are the active ingredients responsible for the therapeutic and psychoactive effects of cannabis.

In the context of cannabis cultivation, trichomes are of particular importance because they contain the compounds that provide the desired effects for both medical and recreational users. When cultivating cannabis, growers often monitor the development and maturity of trichomes to determine the optimal time for harvesting the plant. The appearance and colour of trichomes change as they mature, and this information helps growers select the right harvest time to achieve the desired cannabinoid and terpene profiles.

In summary, trichomes are critical for plant survival, and in the case of cannabis, they are the key to the plant's therapeutic and psychoactive properties. Understanding the role of trichomes is fundamental for both plant biology and the cultivation and use of cannabis.